Hi there,
Well, we are officially entering the holidays and they are as busy as always. Our family Thanksgiving this year consisted of many wonderful gatherings. Though we couldn't participate in all of them, we did manage to see almost everyone that we could have hoped too.
Our weekend started with Karen and Mike traveling down from Ashland Oregon to join us for Thanksgiving.
One Thanksgiving gathering this weekend was on Thursday afternoon at Brandee and Kevins. We were not able to attend that event, but it was attended by Kevins mom and daughter as well as Calvin and Joyce, and Sandy and Bill. The other afternoon Thanksgiving gathering was at our new motorhome with Mike and Karen. We were also joined by Katie and Mike and Karens son Marquis who lives in San Francisco. We had a wonderful dinner for the 6 of us in the motorhome, though we could have very easily sat 8 at the table.
Carol and I spent Friday hanging out with Karen and Mike. We went to the Black Chasam Caverns which are located in Pine Grove. This was a very interesting place to visit. It is like many caves in that it has StalageTites and Stalagemites. But unlike 90 percent of the caverns in the world, it has Helagtites which are formations that travel horizontially.
Saturday, Miek and Karen headed back to Ashland Oregon and we joined many of the family at Bill and Loretta's home in Pioneer. The gathering at Bill and Loretta's was a wonderful evening with 12 of us in attendance. Sandy and Bill, Bill, Loretta and Brandon of course, Carol and myself, Brandee, Kevin and Danielle as well as Calvin and Joyce. There were 12 of us that had a very nice visit.
Unfortunately, we all have to go back to work on Monday, but this was a most wonderful Thanksgiving that we all got enjoy.
Happy Camping and Happy Holidays! Eric and Carol!