Saturday, January 25, 2014

Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

You know, as we get older, time does appear to fly past us. But also, with both of us being so heavily involved with Pit Bull rescue here in Sacramento, our time does seem to be gobbled up there as well. Also, Eric seems to always have a home improvement project coming along that he needs to take care of. And, this holiday season is no different.

For Christmas, we stayed pretty close to home. Doing so allows us to be close to much of our family, and it also cuts down on the wear and tear caused by our dogs on other peoples lives! Once again, this holiday season was very good to us. On Christmas eve, we were able to get together at Sandy and Bill's for the annual holiday gift exchange where everyone brings a gift and then we get to exchange and steal from one another three times! This event is always a lot of fun.

On Christmas day, we were fortunate that Katie and Russell were able to come visit with us and enjoy some Christmas dinner. As always, Santa was good to all of us. Katie and Russ got a new printer. And the two of us got a new TV set for the bedroom and a DVR which will record off the antenna.


As a side bonus to all of this, we cut the cable. We are now watching all of our TV from off the air. We are saving our selves almost $90 a month by not using cable any more. Yes, we did buy ourselves a DVR, but with just 3 months without cable, we will have paid for the DVR with our monthly savings.

We've been without cable actually two weeks now. And though we do have a couple of favorite shows we are missing, all-in-all, we don't miss Cable TV much at all.

We are planning on going out of town for Eric's birthday weekend, so we may not have much of an update until then, but we will try to do a better job of keeping you posted!

Happy camping! - Eric and Carol Anderson -