Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

Hi there,

Well, we are officially entering the holidays and they are as busy as always. Our family Thanksgiving this year consisted of many wonderful gatherings. Though we couldn't participate in all of them, we did manage to see almost everyone that we could have hoped too.

Our weekend started with Karen and Mike traveling down from Ashland Oregon to join us for Thanksgiving.

One Thanksgiving gathering this weekend was on Thursday afternoon at Brandee and Kevins. We were not able to attend that event, but it was attended by Kevins mom and daughter as well as Calvin and Joyce, and Sandy and Bill. The other afternoon Thanksgiving gathering was at our new motorhome with Mike and Karen. We were also joined by Katie and Mike and Karens son Marquis who lives in San Francisco. We had a wonderful dinner for the 6 of us in the motorhome, though we could have very easily sat 8 at the table.

Carol and I spent Friday hanging out with Karen and Mike. We went to the Black Chasam Caverns which are located in Pine Grove. This was a very interesting place to visit. It is like many caves in that it has StalageTites and Stalagemites. But unlike 90 percent of the caverns in the world, it has Helagtites which are formations that travel horizontially.

Saturday, Miek and Karen headed back to Ashland Oregon and we joined many of the family at Bill and Loretta's home in Pioneer. The gathering at Bill and Loretta's was a wonderful evening with 12 of us in attendance. Sandy and Bill, Bill, Loretta and Brandon of course, Carol and myself, Brandee, Kevin and Danielle as well as Calvin and Joyce. There were 12 of us that had a very nice visit.

Unfortunately, we all have to go back to work on Monday, but this was a most wonderful Thanksgiving that we all got enjoy.

Happy Camping and Happy Holidays! Eric and Carol!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Brandee's B-day and a 5K

Well, as always, we don't let much dust collect on our selves. We always seem to be really busy virtually every day of our lives. And, with our new Motorhome, our lives are no different. Of course, life always has other events that come along the way as well. None the less, we enjoy all of these activities that we enter into. Last weekend, on Saturday, we had a 5K that we participated in with a number of folks from our weight loss class. The 5k was a benefit for the underprivileged youth of Elk Grove. We had to be in Elk Grove at 7:30 am, so for a Saturday, we had to rise and shine mighty early in the morning. The morning started out with a beautiful sunrise. Our fall this year has been filled with some really spectacular Sunrises and Sunsets.

After we got home from the 5k on Saturday, I got busy working on installing the tow bar on the front of the Honda. This project required that I remove the old bumper internals and replace it with one that has the tow bar receivers welded too it. Once I finished that, and wired the tail lights of the Honda to a receptacle on the front, and now our little black car is all ready to be towed as part of great trip to Las Vegas for Katie's birthday in early December.

On Sunday, we attended Brandee's 42nd birthday at her home with a number of her friends and family in attendance. Brandee has been very successful in building her clientele since she sold the Beauty Emporium and started to focus on her business as a Hair Stylist. We are so proud of her.

This weekend, we took the Motorhome and all of it's occupants to Camping World in Rocklin to get a recall take care of on the Refrigerator. This was also a great opportunity to try out towing the the Honda behind the rig. We are really thrilled with how well the Honda tows behind our Allegro Bus.

We are so in love with our Allegro Bus. It is a wonderful rig and we just couldn't be happier. We've had to deal with a few issues on it. We found a water leak on the right of the motorhome where the large awning attaches to the side of the rig. Also, when we were getting ready to test hooking up the Honda to the Allegro Bus, we found the motorhome would not start. So, we've had to put a couple new batteries in the Moho. There are four more batteries that need to be replaced, but they are not as critical and we can wait a while to replace these.
Well, I guess that is all for now. Take care and happy camping! - Eric and Carol -

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Into November we go!!!

Hi there everyone,

Well, we have finished off another Halloween here at the Far Horizons 49er Trailer Village and are no worse for wear. In fact, we are a little lighter, but not because of Halloween. First off, we'll report on the Halloween. As we mentioned in an earlier post, we celebrate Halloween here at the RV park twice. Both weekends were equally successful. The park was sold out both weekends.

This time, we carved our pumpkins and added a tomb stone to our display. There was a group that set up a fun house and another one that had a kids treat area and an adult treat area where Wine was being served.

This next weekend we are going to start the weekend with a 5K walk followed by hopefully, installing the tow bar on the front of the CRV for towing it by the motor home. Then on Sunday, we will be helping Brandee celebrate her birthday.

Well, we guess that is it for our update this week. Take care and Happy Camping! Eric and Carol