Monday, January 9, 2012

Out with the old, in with the new!!!

Hi there everyone,
Well, 2012 looks to be as busy as any prior year and as we enter into our fourth year, living in an RV, we just could not be happier. Although, it is not as if there aren't a few bumps along the way. Shortly after our return from Ashland for the New Years celebration, I decided to change out the faucet on the shower, which was one of the gifts that Carol asked Santa clause for this holiday season. When we bought the Moho, the shower faucet was a gold plated plastic affair that had lost its sheen, long before we bought the motor home. We both love our new faucet, it looks so much better and works really swift too!
Of course, shortly there after, the water heater decided it wanted some attention. It decided that it didn't want to heat water using the electric heating element any more. The one draw back is that we didn't have a propane to run the water heater either, so we had to take the motor home out to get propane and up to Camping World to get the water heater looked at. It turned out to be that the thermostat had failed on the 110 volt side. Fifteen minutes and $188 dollars later, we were good to go. Though Eric suffered a little bit from sticker shock, he learned a lot about water heaters in this little adventure and knows how to diagnose problems like this in the future.
Also last week, Carol and the entire unit she works in, received award for exceptional effort for a project that they worked on at work. It is so wonderful that Carol, and everyone in her unit, got recognized for their hard work that they put in. It's well known that Carol works her backside off at CAL-FIRE, but it is nice to know that she gets recognized for her efforts as well.
Well, we are both itching to head out in the RV, so hopefully in the next day or so, we will be ready to hit the open road on some sort of interesting, all be it brief adventure.
Stay tuned!
Happy camping! - Eric and Carol -

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!!!!

Hi there everyone,

Happy new years! We hope you all had a safe and wonderful New Years Holiday! We had a great trip up to Ashland Oregon to see the Wraight family. It was extra special 'cause Kris and crew were here to visit for the holidays from the east coast! It was so wonderful to see them!

Though the weekend was short, we got to enjoy some great food and company together. We took Rosie and Lily with us and Roxy saw in the new year visiting with Katie and Russ. Rosie continues to make progress, though be it in small steps, towards getting use to other people. After a while, she was willing to greet Mikes brother Chuck and his wife Terry with a sniff and a lick. She is really trying so hard. We even think Rosie might have a new love interest. She seems to really get a long well with Sir Guinness of Mayhem. They became fast buddies and played tug a lot while we were in Ashland for our visit.

We find that when on the road, Rosie also likes to stick her head out the window of the car while we are traveling down the road and sniff the air. I don't know about for you, but we don't know how she does it as we travel down the road at 65 miles an hour, but she seems to love to do it, at least for a couple minutes at a time.

We hope that 2012 is a wonderful year for all of our friends and family out there.

Happy camping! - Eric and Carol -