Hi there everyone,
Early in April, we got together with Carol's brothers Billy the house that they bought a number of years ago in Pioneer. Billy retired a couple of months ago from working at Challenge Creamery. With that, they are looking to relocate from their home in Tracy to their home in Pioneer. Loretta is hoping to find a job working for a Title company up in the Amador county area. Billy and brother Calvin have been working hard to get the house in Pioneer squared away for the eventual relocation. They have been focusing on getting Brandon's room set up by finishing the Bathroom and closet. Also, they pulled up the carpet in Brandon's room and put down a beautiful pergo flooring!
This last weekend we had a wonderful Easter with Carol's Sister Sandy and Brother Calvin. First we started by going up to Sandy and Bills in Pioneer for a wonderful Easter dinner. After a nice visit where we also watched a cute movie Paul, about an Alien from outer space that Crash landed in the 1940's. The movie is definitely worth a rent if you have a chance. After a wonderful dinner that included ham, Augrautin potatoes and Asparagus topped off with a chocolate moose cake, we took the left overs to Carols brother Calvin and wife Joyces to help them celebrate Easter. We wanted to visit them 'cause Joyce has developed a really bad cough and pneumonia. We are concerned about a Mass that has been found in her skull and her lung, but we are hoping for the best.
Last night, Carol and I baked 4 dozen cookies for a fund raiser at CAL-FIRE today. The only problem is that half of the cookies fell on the floor overnight and were eaten by the dogs. That's ok, at least there were still 24 that didn't fall to the floor and were still able to be sold at the fund raiser.
This coming weekend, we are going to opening day at the Rivercats, and we are also going to an Open house in Tracy for Carols niece Courtney and family.
Happy camping! Eric and Carol