Well, tail end of November snuck past us in a blur! After the wedding of Marq and Stephanie, we started to ramp up for Thanksgiving events. We started our Thanksgiving early with a get together with a camera shy Katie and Russ as they came over for an early Thanksgiving dinner on the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Once again we prepared a 12 pound bird in the convection oven that came out perfect!
Later in the week, we went to Ashland Oregon to enjoy Thanksgiving with Eric's sister and brother-in-law. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, Eric took the day off to run some shopping errands. He even took a few moments to clean the living room carpet in the Motorhome so that it would have the long weekend to dry! At 1:30 however, Eric packed up the dogs in the car and headed over to Carol's office at CAL-FIRE to pick her up and get headed up to Mike and Karen's in Ashland. This trip, taken without the Moho, still included the three dogs, Lilly, Rosie and Charlie!
We made a quick stop at Granzella's in Williams to pick up some sour dough bread and then again a stop for dinner in Redding to enjoy dinner at Applebee's which has become almost a right of passage, when ever we head up to Ashland for a visit. Thursday Thanksgiving day, we were able to enjoy a wonderful day with Karen and Mike preparing for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving dinner, as always, was a wonderful affair having Mike's brother Chuck and his wife Teri joining us for a delicious Thanksgiving Ham. As is typical, we all ate way too much! :-)
On (Black) Friday, we pursued a couple of ad items that we had read about, but came up empty. None of us are the type to hang out starting at 2:00 AM looking for a great plunder. So we headed out Mid-morning to see what we could find. None of the items we were looking for were any longer available, but we did score a good deal on a flat panel TV set for the bedroom. We've been looking to replace that TV for a while, but we weren't in any hurry. Now, however, that deed is done. Stay tuned for some future blog posts about how that upgrade goes!
Friday evening, we went with Karen and Mike to downtown Ashland to see the Santa Parade and the lighting of the Tree in the town square. Though it might be described by some as being Hokey, it was a lot of fun.
We had one little frustration this holiday weekend. We had left Rosie alone in Karen and Mikes motorhome on Friday evening and Rosie just could not handle the separation. She became frantic and worked to escape the Motorhome in an effort to find us. In the process, she destroyed a mini blind in their rig, which now we are going to be replacing.
Some good news that we got this weekend is that as we move into 2014, Kris and her partner Laura, will be getting married in Connecticut, probably sometime in August. Though we won't be able to take the Moho on that trip, we most definitely will be there! All in all, our Thanksgiving was a wonderful one, and it enabled us to get together with family members once again and enjoy some good times.
Happy Camping! - Eric and Carol -