Ben Clark serves as the southern California ‘Academy’ for Cal-fire operations as well as that for the California Highway patrol, in addition to Riverside county fire (which operates under the umbrella of Cal-fire) as well as the ‘Riverside county sheriff’s office’.
Since the exam dates backed right up to the week for the Rally, we decided that we would make the trip one where we would make two trips out of one. Since we own dogs that are considered by some to be pit bulls, we needed to find an RV park that would allow us to come in and stay a week and not be in violation of their rules. We selected the ‘Rancho Jurupa Regional Park’ in Riverside for our home base, and we could not be happier! This parked turned out to be the perfect place to stay. The park is nice and quiet and a beautiful location! It is a gated park with controlled access that provided the additional passive security that is always welcomed.
We wish we could have found a location that was a little closer to Ben Clark, but the ability to have our dogs with us was of paramount desire. The park is only 22 miles from Ben Clark and most of the commutes were in the reverse commute direction so the drive didn’t take long at all. The old downtown Mission District of Riverside is just down the road from the park, and there is some beautiful old architecture down there.
Though Eric doesn’t miss living in Southern California at all, the Riverside area has been good to us during this visit and it’s hard to beat the sunsets!
Our next stop, tomorrow, Friday the 16th of February is Alamo Lake which is north east of Phoenix!
Safe Travels all!
Eric and Carol Anderson