Saturday, October 31, 2009

So Cal Samboree Part II

We had a wonderful experience at the 2009 Southern California Samboree. We met so many wonderful people, played a lot of fun Carnival games at game night and attended a very fun Bridal Gown show. Carol attended a ladies Tea. We hung out with some really great folks and just had a wonderful time at the Samboree.

The group is generally older than we are, but just an absolute blast none the less. There were a lot of 'Ham' radio operators that were part of the group that were raising money for 'Dogs for the deaf'. The founder and owner of 'Dogs for the deaf' was even in attendance and organized several dog/owner related activities. We had great breakfast buritos each morning and hot dogs for lunch. We just can't say enough about how much fun we had. The time just absolutely flew.

We met some great folks: We'd like to thank Len and Chris Bunts, Scott and Denise Thompson and Smitty and Louise Smith, just to name a few for making us feel so welcome this last week.
The dogs were very understanding while Carol and I were gone all day to various seminars, vendor activities, dinners, teas and the like. They are just the best dogs in the whole wide world.
The weather has been much more cooperative the latter part of this week. The sky is clear and the temperature mild. We can't wait to come back again!
We are headed home now and will spend the night in Bakersfield. But, we can't wait for our next Samboree event. There is one in March in Tuscon Arisona that we would very much like to attend. It's not even 2010 and I already have all of my vacation spoken for. :-(

Happy camping all! Eric and Carol

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