Friday, April 1, 2011

Carols turn to surprise me

Hi there everyone, Well, it was Carol's turn to come up with a surprise get away for me. She took us to Coursegold, just north of Sequoia National Forest. We are staying at an Escapee's park called 'Park Sierra' in a town called Coursegold. It's only $16 a night, very secluded, very secure sort of place. There are about 200 sites, each owned by an RV'er. When they are out on the road, the park management rents out the spot. The residents all pitch in to do the maintenance and improvements around the common area. They are into a bunch of 'Barn Raising' sorts of projects. One year they did a dog park, last year they did a waterwheel and steam bed. This year they are working on a gazebo. We'd buy in here, if we could find work down this way! Right now though, the commute would be a killer! We had to boon-dock the first night 'cause we got here to late to check in. We were hoping to go to Kings Canyon and Sequoia national park, but they are still closed for the Winter. No matter, we are still having a great time! I hope to have more updates shortly. Happy Camping! - Eric and Carol -

1 comment:

Jim and Sandie said...

Glad you were able to get away even if lots of things were closed for the winter. Gives you a chance to clear out the cobwebs in the brain and reenergize.