Saturday, September 3, 2011

August goes out with a bang

For the most part weather wise, August 2011 was a mild year, but for us personally, it has been very busy. On the 20th of August, I told Carol to go outside, sit on the patio with her coffee and paper and enjoy a little warm sunshine. My charge in life at that particular time was to clean the carpets of the motorhome. We've had the rig almost a month now and that cleaning is well over due. We've had many homes during our years of marriage and this was by far the easiest to clean. I was done in less than an hour.

On Sunday the 21st, we had all of the family in Amador county over for a Bar-b-cue. It was a wonderful gathering with Sandy and Bill Ealy, Calvin and Joyce Waite, Brandee and Kevin McCann, and Katie and Russ. The extra bonus is that we got to celebrate Russ's birthday. We so love having him as part of our family! It was such a nice gathering and the weather continues to cooperate. Everyone brought a dish, and good food was had by all. Once again, just like during the holidays, we proved that you don't need a big place to entertain, you just need a little planning!

On the Saturday of the following weekend, we had a visit from Jerry and Mary read for a long awaited Bar-b-cue. It's been over a year since we had gotten together with them, so it was nice to sit down and visit with them and get caught up. Jerry and Mary brought their new addition to their family Zoey along to meet our heard.

On that Sunday, Carol went off to have a day with her good friend Cheryl for a girlies day out. While the girls were out playing, I kept myself busy while I washed the motorhome, got caught up on the Books for the TheRVITGuy business and did about 4, though they be small loads of laundry. I also treated the rubber seals on the Motorhome in preparation for winter, cleaned the windows, changed the linens and vacuumed. With a trip to the dog park thrown in for good measure, it was a busy day. I found I was sitting down to relax just before Carol got home around 9:00 PM. Where does the day go sometimes? :-)

Well, that is all for now, our next post will be about the start of our trip for our 12th wedding anniversary, to the San Juan Bautista area.

Happy camping! - Eric and Carol -

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