Friday, July 6, 2012

More field repairs as we get ready for our Fourth of July departure for Bodega Bay

We scheduled a departure for Bodega Bay for a 5 day get away, which would start on the fourth of July. We had two problems that were bugging ol' Eric and he wanted to get them repaired sooner rather than later.

One of them was the Washer/Drier. It stopped working and after some diagnostics, I thought it might be the water pump that drains the washer. I contacted Splendide and they confirmed, based on my testing and findings, that my diagnostics were probably correct that it was the water pump. So, $138.00 later, we had a new water pump in hand, and the night before our scheduled departure for Bodega Bay, I changed out the water pump on our washer. It was in fact the water pump that had gone bad. The electric motor was very hard to turn, compared to the new one, which was very easy. So, with 2 hours of work, we were good to go.

The other repair I did, though a couple days earlier, was determining and fixing the problem with the lights on the CRV when being towed by the motorhome. We had a problem with this since the day we bought the Allegro bus. I eventually tracked the problems down to two issues. A couple of the circuits in the converter box failed and one wire in the wiring harness had pulled free. So, after a trip to AutoZone and a couple hours of work, we were up and running correctly with the lights on the CRV.

We've had a flag pole for sometime on the motorhome when it is parked, but never had appropriate lighting for at night. So, I bought a couple of solar charged spot lights, affixed them to the flag pole, and now the flag will have light all through the night, thanks to the batteries in the lights that are charged during the day time. And, we got the lights for only $5.00 each at Target!

Lastly, Karen, my sister was kind enough to send us some 4th of July scarves for the dogs. We had the dogs sporting them on the Fourth just as they were intended. They wore their colors proudly! :-)

Well, that's all for now. Happy camping!

Eric and Carol

1 comment:

what'supwithsusanandcompany said...

The Patrioric fur kids are so cute.