Saturday, August 26, 2017

On Tuesday the 22nd of August a long drive to Coeur D’ Alene Idaho

On this day we had a full day of driving from Bend Oregon to Coure D’ Alaine. It was over 400 miles of driving on this day. We made really good progress all-in-all, but we did have some traffic at the when we approached the Bridge that crosses the ‘Columbia River’ going from Oregon to Washington State. We also ran into some traffic when we passed through Spokane around rush hour. As we drove through Spokane, we were amazed at the beauty of some of the older architecture such as that of Smoke stacks, a church and the Washington State University.

During our drive, we had a lunch at a great little dinner in Biggs Oregon where the 97 north intersected with the interstate 92 which would start us on our eastward trek along the Columbia river. We arrived in Coure D’Alaine around 6:00 PM at the Blackwell Island RV resort.

This is a beautiful RV resort. The sites are gravel sites with many of the smaller roads being gravel as well. They have a nice little dog area. There is a dog beach where you can take your dogs to run and play. This is a beautiful and well maintained RV park with lots of wonderful amenities, including some natural ones like an Osprey nest! Sadly however, they do not allow any breeds that they perceive as aggressive breeds such as ‘Pit Bulls’, Rottweiler's, German Shepherds and Doberman pinchers.

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