Saturday, December 22, 2018

Our Fall of 2018 - Oct. 31st, 2018

As in years past we always enjoy the fall time of year. We love how the trees change color, and we also enjoy being able to decorate our site around the rig.

We had a inflatable Micky Mouse in years past to help add color to our yard, but last year, the fan inside of it died and so we said good by to Micky. Fortunately, we found this cool inflatable carriage at our local Lowes to help brighten up our yard during this time of year.

We don't normally get too carried away on decorations, but we always like to have something to put us in the mood for the season. Our neighbors Paul and Linda always have some great decorations like the Pack of Pumpkins and the dragon to help make the surrounding area that much more festive.  We also had a bonus this year, we had what we think is our first 'Trick-or-treater' ever while living in our fenced site here at Aspen Grove RV park.

On the topic of Aspen grove, they have recently replaced some of the lighting around the park, and it is nice in that it is much easier to see when out walking the dogs in the early morning!

Safe travels all!

Eric and Carol Anderson.

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