Monday, September 2, 2019

Steve Wraights 70th birthday - July 20th, 2019

On Saturday July 20th, Eric made a speed trip down to Long Beach for Steve Wraight's 70th birthday party. The summer has a forecast of being a very busy one, so with some Southwest miles available, Eric decided to make the quick trip down to help Steve celebrate his special day. The Brothers Wraight are all very tight, so they always relish getting together, especially as they get older. Mike was on a Safari with Karen in Africa, but Chuck and Teri stopped by in Long Beach as they made their way home from visiting Scott and Anne in Georgia. As a result, Chuck and Eric got to help Steve Celebrate his special day.

Everyone at the party had an amazing time. The caterer served up some amazing BBQ, the DJ's kept the grove going on, and the magician had everyone guessing. Here are some pictures and video from the event.

Safe Travels everyone! 

Eric and Carol Anderson

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