Sunday, May 22, 2011

A trip down town

Sunday May 22nd, 2011

Hi there everyone,

Yesterday Carol spent the day hanging out with Scott and Cheryl. I worked all day on chores around the motorhome. I got Carol's car washed and detailed inside and out. I painted the roof on the Neon, Fixed a screen on a window; cleaned house, did four loads of Laundry and two or three other items on the 'Honey do' list; so, it was a very productive day.

Today, however was a lot more fun. We had a leisurely breakfast and then sat outside and read the paper. After we finished the paper, we rode the light-rail downtown and walked around 7th and P streets as well as the K street mall. I got to see where Carol takes the train too when she rides it to work. All in all, we feel pretty safe on the public transit, but you do see quite the eclectic collection of folks.

We did a lot of walking around town today. So, it was a major cheat day. We had lunch at Jonny Rockets. In general we were really bad, but we had Veggie burgers. We didn't really have any money to spend, but we had enough for lunch.

Stay tuned for other new developments.

Happy camping! Eric and Carol

1 comment:

Jim and Sandie said...

Used to ride the Metro when I worked in DC and it was really quite safe but as you said, very eclectic types of people. Made for interesting rides sometimes. Glad you took a day off from your labors.