As you saw from an earlier post, we sprung a leak on a hot water line in the bathroom sink area. It kind of pissed the cat off 'cause it was right over her litter box. I temporarily resolved that by placing a shelf and a cup under the pipe until we had the money to buy the parts for the repairs. Fortunately, I was able to get all of the needed parts at Lowes and was able to save ourselves a trip to Camping World or some other place like that. I used a couple of unions and an elbow, along with a new section of pipe to effect that repair.
Also, we had a brake caliper that got stuck on the Honda Accord. Once I figured out the brake caliper was stuck, it was an easy fix. I got the parts at our local O'Riely autoparts and got it, as well as the new brake pads installed. This also gave me a perfect opportunity to change out the brake fluid in all of the brake lines.
Lastly, I had to replace the screen material one more time on the front door of the motor home. Rosie continues to try to do her best at remodeling the motorhome, but we just won't give in to her desires.
Thats all for now. Happy camping! - Eric and Carol -