Sunday, January 6, 2013

Getting ready for Quarzsite!

Hi there everyone, well we didn't really get a vacation trip in last year, but we won't be very far into 2013 before we set off on vacation. On the 18th of January, we will be setting off for Quartzsite Arizona to experience the BIG TENT and boon dock with a bunch of other crazy RV'ers. But, before we head off to Quartzsite, we have a lot of work to do to get ready.

One of the problems we've had since we bought our Allegro Bus, is the toilet leaks. The bowl wouldn't hold water. Well, when you are dry camping in Quartzsite, water is at a premium. So, we went to our local RV dealer and ordered the replacement parts which consisted of a gasket and ball valve. Well, $90.00 and two hours later, the valve and gasket was replaced. It was an icky job, so rubber gloves and great care was needed in removing the bowl, the old gasket and then replacing the ball valve and then installing the new gaskets.

We found that the new parts were of higher quality than the originals. For instance a plastic control shaft that was replaced as part of the kit, had a new one made of brass. Also, the old one only had one 'O' ring while the new one had two 'O' rings.

We've started setting in provisions for the trip. When we went grocery shopping this weekend, we bought a case of bottled water so that we don't have to use water out of the tank for drinking. We're also working on refreshing our 'Smart water management' skills so as to get our most bang for our buck. For example, when we want to wash dishes, we will fill the dog water bowl with water from the hot side of the tap, while waiting for the hot water to make it from the Hot water heater!

For Christmas, we got a Camping World gift card, which we used for a pair of seat covers. These seat covers are perfect for making the driver and passengers seats whole again after Charlie remodeled them for us!

Our preliminary itinerary for our trip to Quartzsite and then the LA basin is as follows...

Friday -         1/18 - Drive to Quartzsite
Saturday -     1/19 - Quartzsite
Sunday -       1/20 - Quartzsite
Monday -      1/21 - Quartzsite
Tuesday -      1/22 - Quartzsite
Wednesday - 1/23 - Drive to Bolsa Chica state beach camp ground  - LA Area
Thursday -     1/24 - California Science center - Endeavor exhibit!
Friday -          1/25 - USS Iowa tour!
Saturday -      1/26 - Drive home

While in southern California, we plan on getting together with our family members Steve, Ellena and their daughters Morgan, Mia and maybe even Marina if we are lucky.

Stay tuned as we post pictures from our travels to Quartzsite and the LA basin.

Happy Camping! Eric and Carol Anderson

1 comment:

Jim and Sandie said...

Sure glad fixing the toilet wasn't on our to do list before heading to Q. We ended up having to buy a whole new toilet last year. Have fun and I'm glad to hear you're getting out.