Sunday, April 7, 2019

Eric's 57th Birthday

Like many of us, Eric finds snow a beautiful thing to behold. And this years winter has been one that is close to something for the record books. Though at one point in time, we lived in an area that was full of snow, we have also come to the conclusion that snow is something that is nice to visit, but don't really want to live in. In our younger years, it was nice to occasionally break out the snow shovel and the snow blower, but those days are now long gone. Now, that we live in the Sacramento valley, we do like to visit the snow once in a while. So, for Eric's birthday, Carol took Eric, as well as Rosie and Charlie, on a day trip up highway 50 to check out the snow. Our first stop was in Placerville to have lunch. Then, we drove up past Bridal Veil Falls. We just enjoyed the meandering drive up US 50 until we got to the point where the snow fall was getting pretty heavy and just didn't feel like driving up the hill any further. On our way back, we then stopped in Pollock Pines at a Safeway Starbucks for a warm drink and to watch the snow fall pretty heavily. Deciding we better hit the road and get down out of the snow, we continued our drive towards home. In the early evening, Carol and Eric got to celebrate Eric's birthday with Katie at Cattleman's. As always, Eric truly enjoyed his birthday celebration, primarily because it included those most important to Eric in his life. Safe travels all! Eric and Carol Anderson

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