Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well, Carol and I have been working hard to get ready for our two week vacation starting next Thursday night. We are totally stoked about this upcoming trip. One of our fun things we like to do that doesn't cost a whole lot of money is Geocaching. We found out about this activity from my sister and brother-in-law who introduced us to it a little over a year ago. It involves a website,, and a hand held GPS reciever. It is a modern day treasure hunt basically. We have found about 120 'Caches' since we started, but by most standards, we are still rookies. There are people that have litterally thousands of Geocaches that they have found.

We enjoy the acitivity because it takes us to places we normally wouldn't go to. And since we are setting out to Portland and Seattle in less than a week, I have prepared a list of 30 geocaches we can tackle during our trip. We probably won't get to all of them, but one is the very first geocache ever placed, which is in the northern part of Oregon. I really hope we get to hit that one.

Stay tuned on the blog, as I will be updating the blog as we get closer to, and during the trip to see where we have been and what we have been doing.

Take care, Happy camping and Happy Caching! Eric and Carol.

1 comment:

Mike & Karen Wraight said...

Hi Guys -- way cool, you have started your own blog! Great pictures of the travel rig. Looking forward to seeing you Friday. Hugs k & m