Sunday, May 22, 2011

Speed trip to pick up our sign

Sunday the 15th, of May, 2011

A couple of months ago, we went on a trip down to Coursegold California and spent a 4 day weekend at an Escapee's park. On the first full day that we were down there, we stopped by a booth where there was this guy that made wood signs with your name or what ever you would like carved on them. We asked him if he could do a sign with a motorhome on it. He said sure, no problem. We asked him if he could have it done by the end of the weekend. He said 'Sure, no problem, I make a habit of under promising and over delivering'. Three days later, we went by to pick it up, and the sign wasn't ready. He said that he would ship it too us in two days.

A month later, after calling over and over again, he finally sent us a picture of the sign and said he would send it too us in the next couple days. Another month went by, and still no sign. So, I called and left him a message saying we would come down and pick it up. This finally got a response. He said he would send it to us the following Monday. We told him, no, that's alright we'll come down and get it. I asked him if he had also finished the three dog bones (Roxy, Rosie and Lilly). He said yes he had finished all of that.

We arrived at Eddie's business the next morning as promised. He dug the sign out, but the dog bones were no where to be found. He said, if we came back in 30 minutes, he would have the three dog bones completed. We came back 40 minutes later and the three dog bones were completed. Why is it he could complete three dog bones in 30 minutes, but could could not complete the sign and get it shipped to us in less than 2 months, no one knows, neither does Eddie.

At any rate, we got the sign and we are very happy with how it looks. We also got a chance to check out the city of Mariposa in the process. This included the court house. It is a very cool little town.

Happy camping! Eric and Carol

1 comment:

Jim and Sandie said...

I love the sign but my goodness it took a lot of "encouragement" for ou to get it. Glad that one is over with.